Wednesday, 31 August 2011

FanExpo 2011 Con Report

What a long~~~ weekend. I'm home early. Kind of drama with my family. I'm still totally exausted though. I'll try to keep my con report short. ^_^

I got there on wednesday to pick up the badges. Reg was simple since I was there in advance. I actually brought a lot of work to do with me: paints, glue gun, and ample amount of felt. Wednesday was spent giving hair to the 10 plushies I didn't have time to give hair to, and I actually didn't finish it all. ^_^;

Thursday was the first day of the con. It was so slow~~

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Otakuthon 2011 Con Report

[Warning: LONG ENTRY! Image-heavy post ahead!]

Oh boy, what a weekend. Here's the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

But before that, here are some pics of my merch~~~

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Updated production & Otakuthon table location

Wahhh! The con is in a few days, and I'm NOT READY!!! *cries and dies*

Hopefully, by the end of this day, I will at least have some completed plushies, but at the moment, they look like this:

My sister and the army
And that's actually not all of them. o_0 That's only 63 of them, and I have 80 planned. It's supposed to be for Otakuthon AND FanExpo. I haven't made any of my lycra plushies, so looks like I won't have any for Otakuthon. :( I'm also working on some dango plush-pillows, some daifuku plushies, and I'm going to bring back my no-face keychains.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Plushie Production

Ughh... My production isn't going all that well. :( I've been very distracted with lots of other things, namely updating my online portfolio. So far, I've only tackled the chibi-plushies. I'm aiming at making 80, and they all have pants so far.

I still gotta give them shirts, stuff their heads, and then design eyes+ glue hair. I'll definitely get it done (despite Otakuthon being less than 2 weeks away), but there was another list of things I wanted to make, and it doesn't look like I'll be able to get to them done. :(