Welcome home Kurt! I actually like him better than Cyndi, so I'm glad I get to keep him. I'm happy that Cyndi sold, but there was a bit of an 'issue'. I actually blogged about my fail over on tumblr, so go check out this post in case you're curious. Never trust a sleep-deprived mind. o_0
My 11" Deesuede pattern is cleaned up and probably ready for sale. :D I still have to figure out packaging and instructions though, so it'll still be a little while until I can post it up on etsy. I also want to include the option of buying sample fabric directly from me, which would save people the hassle of purchasing the fabric on another site and having to pay double shipping-- I managed to contact a supplier for deersuede in bulk!
I first ordered the fabric swatches to see what was available. You don't understand how exciting it is to see so many deersuede and craft velour colours! I probably won't stock all of these options, but knowing that I can, it's pretty awesome. ^_^ I haven't placed my order yet because I'm still figuring out what I want/need. There are so many options for 'tan' plushies... I used to order the colour 'calfskin' for my water tribe kids, but looking at the other options, I'm starting to wonder if I should invest in something else.
I recently had another commission from that CEO/patron, and the person he asked me to plushify was on the rounder side. I therefore thought that the 'nendoroid' style would suit her shape, so I made yet another pattern! I'll probably change the arms, but I'm really liking how the legs tapper down.
Other Ramblings...
I'm a little dissapointed in myself that I didn't do NaNoWriMo this year, and neither did I attempt to try out its lesser informal drawing version, NaNoMango (draw a 30-page manga draft in a month)... Instead, I didn't do much in November. I haven't produced anything amazing, and I've been kind of suffering from art/writer's block for quite some time. It really sucks!
But on the flip side, I've been catching up with a lot of friends, and I've been chatting with other writers online-- it's good to just get out and have a breather when my creative juices aren't flowing. I turned 25 at the beginning of the month, so it's a been a bit of a wake-up call that I'M GETTING OLDER and I-don't-think-what-I'm-doing-is-sustainable and I-sometimes-feel-so-useless and what-am-I-even-doing and BLARGH! Ugh.
Anyways, long story short, I'm almost out of my slump. It'll still take me a while to get back into full production mode (and hopefully churn out some decent art and writing), but I've figured out what I'm going to do for the next few years, so my mind is beginning to clear. It's good to have a game plan because there isn't anything more annoying than being 'confused'.
Haha I made a NaNoWriMo account last year and didn't do anything with it! Lol I have my own stories I needed to finish first.. >__< And WHAT? WHY didn't I hear of NaNoMango?!!? Sounds like so much more fun and do-able than NaNoWriMo for some reason. You'll get out of your slump, no worries..me on the other hand,..I should be worrying LOL!