Monday, 30 May 2016

Anime North 2016 Con Report

I was telling people that I've been tabling for 8 years now, but looking back at my 2015 con report, apparently this was my 9th! One more and I'll be ten years in! (and then I can retire?) o_0 As usual, con prep was hectic and crazy and I didn't make nearly enough merch, but still had a good time.

Table merch on the first day

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Hallyu North 2016 Con Report

Short con report will be short! I just got back after a shotgun trip to Toronto for Hallyu North. The con is new so it was small and not very well-organised, but I liked how chill it was. I left early both days because food and sleep were calling me. Toronto transit, however, was seriously out to get me that weekend. The construction and detours were really annoying, but I made it in one piece.

Merch table! Not that much since most things are for AN